In order to deliver effective management of information for the projects that we work on and for the teams with which we collaborate there are a number of principles that we follow


BIM is really a combination of people, process and technology.

The key, though, to making our projects work best, really is “people”. We aim to work with our clients and other team members to both help them through the process and to make the most of digital workflows. Of course, we also hope to learn from others we work with!



We believe, passionately, that we should formulate processes built around open standards – allowing all parties to use the software of their choice – which is know as ‘openBIM’. This means using formats such as IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), COBie (Construction-Operations Building Information Exchange) and BCF (BIM Collaboration Format) to exchange models, data and issues, smoothly, between technology solutions.



At the heart of any BIM (Building Information Modelling) process is data. In order to make use of this data, it must be structured, reliable and reusable. Our processes ensure that we have built extensive information-checking rules, along with robust processes, in order to create the best quality models and data possible. This then allows others to access the data for uses such as quantification and for Facilities Managers to manage their estates.

Research and Development

Digital tranformation, in many ways, is in its infancy in the construction industry. Our approach to projects means that we are always looking for new, smarter ways to deliver better information. Alongside our projects, we carry out extensive research to better understand the technology we use and the information flow between technologies.



We like to understand our tools intimately – understanding both what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t work. This deep understanding of our tools allows us to create optimised processes for the technology which is being used on our projects. Alongside this, we always report isssues back to all vendors – so that technology can be continually improved for subsequent projects (both ours and others’).



Standards are the basis from which we can build automated and intelligent approaches. Our processes are all alligned with both national and international standards and we are also involved in the shaping of these standards through our involvement in the British Standards Institution (BSI) B/555 Committee (Construction Design, Modelling and Data Exchange). +44 (0)114 266 2040 Twitter Linkedin Facebook
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